- Topic :- Mass Media
- Paper:- Mass Communication and Media Studies.
- PG.REG.NO:- 2069108420190040.
- Roll No:- 18 Prepard By Rayjada Mitalba J. Summited to SMT.S.B.Gradi Department of English , Maharaja Krushnkumarsinhji, Bhavnagar, University.
Mass Media:-
Meaning of Mass Media:-
- "Mass Media, Sociology of a Medium is a means of communication such as print, Radio, or Television. The Mass Media are defined as largescale organizations which use one or more of these technology to communicate with large Number of people."
There are Three types of Mass Media:-
1) Print Media.
2) Electronic Media.
3) New age Media.
Development of Mass Media:-
- Western mass communication scholars have identified a development progression cycle call
ESP:- Elite Popular Specialization this cycle holds that all media develop in three stages.
Elite:- Media appeals to the affluent. Affluent are considered as the leaders of cultural and social trends.
Popular:- when the notions break through the barriers of literacy and poverty, it enters the popular stage and teachers the Mass culture.
Specialization:- There is 'demassification' of the Mass media due to information explosion and advancement in the communication technology.
Meaning of Communication:-
- "Communication is a process through which one person transfer, their thoughts, ideas to other person or group of persons with the help of the media device or channel. A human relationship involving two or more persons who come together to share, to dialogue and commune. Thus, we can say that communication is not just an act or a process but also a social and cultural togetherness.
- According to Denis Mcquail, " Communication is a process which increases commonality - but also requires elements of commonality for it to occur at all".
- The Sanskrit Term, 'Sadharanikaran' comes closest to the term of 'Common' or 'Commonness' usually with communication.
Need for communication:-
- Human beings need for communication is as basic as the need of food or shelter. Without communicating our thoughts with others people can't survive. They need someone to talk and share. Because of this we can say that the punishment of living alone, which have given to the prisoners are worst and hardest one to give.
- Communication requires active participation of mind, body, society and nature. Without this effective communication is may be not possible. It is basic need to share experience of doing something with others. This is why one requires active participation of mind, body, society and nature. Excommunication might lead people to the anxiety, sensory deprivation, depraved judgement, and strange vision.
The communication Process:-
Source- msg - Encoding - msg - Channel - msg - Decoding - Msg - Receiver - Feedback - Source.
Types of Communication:-
1. Intrapersonal communication 2. Interpersonal communication 3. Group Communication 4. Mass Communication 5. Mass-line Communication.
Function of Mass Media:-
- To inform, To Educate, To entertain, Transmission of Heritage, Commercial.
Impact of mass media:-
- Psychological, Social, Moral, Cultural. In media studies, media psychology, communication theory, and sociology, meadia influence and Media effects are topics relating to mass media and Media culture effects on individual or an audience's thoughts, attitudes, and behavior. Whether it is written, television, or spoken, mass media reaches a large audience. Mass media is known as being one of the most significant forces in modern cultural.
Mass communication and mass Culture:-
- Culture can be defined as the beliefs, values, or other frameworks of reference by which we make sense of our experience. It also concers how we communicate these values and ideas. The concept of mass culture refers to a whole range of popular activities and artefacts to Entertainments, spectacles, music, books, films- but has become ideatified with the typical content of mass media and especially with the fictional, dramatic and Entertainment material which they provide.
- Mass media are centrally involved in the production of modern culture. Reach of mass media is limited in India thus mass culture in our country is still by and large the one that prevails in our villages where over 77% of the our people live. Most popular entertainment medium in India is Cinema. Nearly 800 films produced per year. Indian Cinema has qualities of a mass culture product but it is doubt full if it is the only factor that contributes to the 'mass culture'.
1) Mass Communication :-
- The advantage of people to be continueously in touch, communicate and be able to move even by distance. Transportation methods and communication forms.
2) Mass Society :-
- An abstraction that postulated a mass of isolated and alienated individuals whose relation to an authority , such as totalitarian state, was the only bond to unite them.
3) Mass Culture:-
- A term deprecating the value of commercially marketed arts and entertainment packaged to appeal to people vin particular demographic categories.
The most common mass media platforms are:-
1)Newspaper 2)Magazines. 3)Radio. 4) Television. 5)Internet.
- Television is a telecommunication medium used for transmitting sound with moving images in black and white, or in color, and in two or three dimensions. Television is mass medium of Entertainment, Education, News, Advertising.
- Radio is the use of radio waves to carry information, such as sound, by systematically modulating some property of electromagnetic energy waves transmitted through space, such as their amplitude, frequency, phase, or pulse width.
- "Electronicedia are media that use electronics or electromechanical energy for the end user or audience to access the content. This is in contrast to static media or mainly print media, which today are most often created electronically, but do not require electronics to be accessed by the end user in the printed from".
- Newspaper are part of print media. It is the most important media which famous among the large group of mass. The newspapers are meant to inform the general public about recent events and especially the public affairs. Besides local, national and international news the newspapers often carry sports and Entertainment activities also. It also focus on the opinion columns and advertising. They are also important not only for educating people but it is also a form of media where news are spread.
- During the 19th century, magazines were the predominant national medium. Magazines were the predominant national medium. Magazines are a kind of periodical which comes with the newspaper daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, biimonthly, quartely, or even annually.
- "Radio is far more interactive and stimulating medium than TV where the viewer is spoon-fed. Radio allows you to think, to use your imagination. That is why nobody ever called it the idiot box". Radio plays very vital role in communication. Radio allows the people to think and imagine.
- Television also plays vital role in communication. So Among all the Mass media today Television attracts the largest number of viewers. It attracts the audience in greater in size than any of the other Media audience. This is because Television is able to focus on audience of all age group no matter whether literate or illiterate. Television has been used for education and give information purposes than for entertainment.
- Nowadays the internet has revolutionized global mass communication. It might sound weird to define something so commonplace nowadays but it's worth explaining that the internet is the simply a network of computers which allows for data or information to exchange around the world.
- Cinema is mostly for entertainment. The first film was Alam ara. It was silent film. At that time silent and black and white films we're realised. Later on it turns into talking and colourful films. There are many changes happened in Cinema. At those time people not giving much importance to those people who were working in the film. Now it is not like that at some point.
1] Western communication theories:-
1. Lasswell model of communication 2. Shannon and Weaver Model 3. Osgood and Schramn Model 4. Ritual model of communication 5. Communication as Dialogue 6. Communication as pwore Relationship.
2] Indian communication Theories:-
- In recent years communication scholars in India and Sri Lanka have made attempts to develop theories of communication based on India classical texts and on popular Indian culture. Indian theory of communication forms a part of Indian poetics; and can be traced to a period between second century B.C. and first century A.D. in the works of Bharata.
- It draws it central idea from the concept of Sadharanikaran which is quite close in meaning to the Latin term Communis, commonness, from which the word communication is derived.) The most important assumption in the process of sadharanikaran is that it can be achieved only among sahridayas, i.e. only those who have a capacity to accept a message.
1). Bharata Muni Theory 2). Hindu Theory 3). Buddist Theory .
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