Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Vocabulary Drill and presentation

Hello reader,

here my blog part of activity. Given by my Ma'am , This blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.


  1. Definition 1. ( Adjective)very good ; of the highest quality

Synonym : excellent 
                    First class 

Example : made an excellent speech the school has excellent teachers a first classmind


Definition 1.( Noun )the act of mimicking ; imitative behavior

Synonym : apery mimicry 

Hyponym : mockery
                    Take off

Hypernym : impersonation

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Mitalba rayjada assingment in dr.Fastus related thinking activity

Hello reader,

here my blog part of activity. Given by my Sir, This blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

     1. This image  last scene in Dr.Faustus . This is image of Lucifer.Lucifer is Evil man and owner of Evil . Dr Faustus invite Evil and Evil gives power Faustus . Faustus use Evil power but at last Evil power most powerful so Lucifer come and Lucifer very powerful then Dr Faustus and Dr Faustus fail in his power .This image is last scene Lucifer come This look and this image signify Lucifer wide wide more powerful then Dr Faustus and his wide with fight Dr Faustus and at last Dr Faustus Fail his power.   

     2. God Present in The Play look like a good Angle and Old Man.                           

          Example :  Good Angel : " Sweet Faustus , think of heaven and heavenly things."
                            Evil Angel    : " No Faustus , think of honor and of wealth."
                           Good Angel  : " Faustus , repent , yet god will pity thee.
                           God Man  : "O gentle Faustus, leave this damned art , this magic, that will charm thy
                                              soul to hell, And quite bereave thee of salvation!Though thou hast now
                                              offended like a Man do not persevere in it like a devil.


   1. This image in The Greek Story of Father and Son . Father Name Daedalus and Son Name Lcarus.Son and Father Equally powerful. So Father suggests son not use unlimited fly But Son not agree So Son is down in earth.
  2. Same situation in Dr Faustus in Good Angle and Old Man suggests Dr Faustus not use Superstition power but Good way . Dr Faustus not agree Two look like But Dr Faustus attract Evil power. He work in superstition so he fail his power and at last he is die. 

   1.This image in the ordinary man first see the nature beauty but this image not nature image . This 
image in Greek mythology in see the son and father . son in corner and father is upon road so this image related Dr Faustus .Dr Faustus in Good Angle and Ola man like a Father and Dr Faustus is son.

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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Education and Technology

 Hello reader,

her my blog part of activity. Given by my Sir, This blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

About Blog:-

Departmen of English in our sir discussed about Education and Technology topic in see video and some presentation . All are related with technology how , when use 3 presentation and and 8 video.


Education in two way see:-
 1. Ancient 2. modern.

We are living in Modern time so we are use in modern Education systems. So today Technology most important role in Education but some people not believe this thing so here see how Technology use in Education discuss by some videos.

Ken Robinson:-

Topic:- About Changing paradigms by Ken Robinson.

Robinson talk about education system. He give idea changing education system. He talk about economic and culture there are two dimensions on education system. And second he talk about education system need industrial revolution.  And today time student like a factory.  And today time degree is most important than skill. So why not use technology . Technology help to provide Education.

Sugata Mitra:-

Topic:- On sole and future learning by Sugata Mitra.

Sugata Mitra has also launched the school in the cloud platform which ensures that anyone, any where , can experiment with self-organized learning. Sugata Mitra shared his wish at TED 2013. 

In November the first school in the Cloud learning lab located inside a high school in Killingworth , England opened its doors to students. Since then six more learning labs have been built one more in the UK and five across India. School in the Cloud a learning lab in India. Where children can explore and learn form each other using resources and mentoring from the Cloud. he give idea of sole self organised learning Environments.

 Salman Khan:-

Topic:- use of videos in Education by Salman Khan.

Salman Khan is the founder of the Khan Academy. He talked on the need to create alternative access to classroom content and how videos can be used to flip a classroom . Salman Khan share his personal life experience and talk about his academy working method. Flip learning in give video to student and watch and discussion about video in classroom. The Khan Academy has also shared some 2,200 video courses and reaching more than a million learners monthly.

Marc Prensky:- 

Topic:- Audio track by Marc Prensky on Digital native and immigrants.

Today time see internet becomes more important in video games, computer, telephone etc. Through the use of this digital tool , different website it becomes easy to get information and many languages also available. Use of technology multi tasking becomes easy.

David Crystal:-

Topic:- The Effect of new Technologies on English.

Today time people accept new things. New form or technology effect on English language. But today time communication media change and people use short from like thnx form thank you , K form ohk. And teacher are not familiar with their students because teacher not accept today new thing . 

Technology help to anyone can learn and develop bilingual personality. He talk about text message  is good for learning. Technology had influence of English language which he prove and give example of printing press and telephone. 

So all give good examples use of technology help us. And really today time very helpful technology all are becoming easy. Yes I konw technology disadvantages also but all thing belong both so Technology is very helpful or advantage us.

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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Workshop on Quality and Authenticity of web Resources:-

Hello reader,

here my blog part of activity. Given by my Sir, This blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

About Blog:-

20 November , 2019 in The Department of English Maharaja Krushnkumarsinhji Bhavnagar University. In organized Workshop on Quality and Authenticity of web Resources .


In this workshop we learn that how which parameters are used to check the authenticity of web Resource. In analyse the web Resource to frequently used by us to gain our knowledge related to study.

In Activity following this chart for analysis and we got following average of the sites.

Spark notes:- 3:5

Well-regarded site that is well known in its category. Information is referenced and cited, with experts generating content. Site is a regarded source of content that meeysminstructional goals. 
Site provides content to inform users.

Shampoo:- 3

Regarded site that has reputable information that is referenced  and is a regarded source of content that meets instructional goals. Site provide content to inform users.


Site content is of quality and there is some broader content coverage.s iteriprovides content to inform users.

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Friday, November 22, 2019

"A Grain of Wheat"

Hello reader,

her my blog part of activity. Given by my Ma'am Heenaba Zala This blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

A Grain of Wheat:-

  • In A Grain of Wheat, Britain's colonization of kenya is the context against which it's character are formed as well as the primary political tension of the book. Ngugi wa thiongo , himself a native kenyanK uses this context and development of his characters to explore the moral aspect of the British and rural Kenyans.

  • Ngugis narrative argues that, although both the colonizer and the colonized feel morally justified in their pursuits, colonialism is ultimately an immoral and oppressive practice, justifying the colonized people's struggle for freedom even through violent means. The British colonialists and the Kenyan freedom fighters want fundamentally opposing futures for Kenya.

  • The British in the expansion of their empire, seek to modernize Kenya with technology and administration. However in doing this they force themselves upon ancient ethic groups like the Gikuyu and steal their land from them for their own purposes. The May May fighters, with the support of most of their village, Thabai, seek to push "the Whitenan" completely out of Kenya so they can preserve their way of life.

  • Rather than the modern future envisioned by the colonizers, the Gikuyu hope to maintain their independence and right to self govern, as well as their ancestral traditions. Both colonizer and the colonized see themselves as the righteous , heroic figure working for the good of humanity, and their enemies as evil.

  • This is exemplified in the story by the mirrored characters John Thompson and Kihika. John Thompson the English regional governor, is an evangelist of British Colonialism believing it to be a moralizing and purifying force of human progress.

  • Furthermore, for the last three generations the British Colonialisalists have subjected Kihika's people to forced labor and made them pay exorbitant taxes, often with the threat of detention, rape, or murder. From an early age, Kihika's knows his life's calling is to lead the moral fight against the British. Both kihikaKihand John as the brutal overseer of the detention camps and the colonial soldiers in his region.

  • This uneven depiction argues that in the conflict between colonizers and colonized , the kenyans and their quest for freedom morally outweighs the British mission to "moralize" what they see as a lesser country. If violence is the only way for the Gikuyu to fight British oppression, A Grain of Wheat implies, so be it. 

  • The novel ends on the day of Kenya's independence from Britain, thus resolving the conflict between colonizer and colonized. Even so, since the author observes that Britain remains imperialistic, the moral argument against such colonization by any country remains firm.

Robinson Crusoe in character study of Friday.

  • Friday is the first person Crusoe introduces into the social order  of the island. His name of Course is not Friday by birth but this is the name that Crusoe gives him after saving him from the hands of cannibals. Encourages him to eat goat and aids in his conversasion to Christianity.

  • The first and most obvious point about Friday relationship with Crusoe is that Friday is Crusoe subordinate. Friday always calls Crusoe master . Like colonialism point of view see this two people. Crusoe is a colonial upon Friday. So Friday following only Crusoe rules.

So, in Grain of Wheat and Robinson Crusoe in see colonizad by people upon another people.

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Mass media

Hello,  Reader. Topic :- Mass Media   Paper:- Mass Communication and Media Studies.              PG.REG.NO:- 2069108420190040.   ...