Tuesday, October 30, 2018

"Youth festival"

Hello Reader,

her my blog part of activity. Given by my sir, This blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

"Aeshvaryam yuva manthan"is a name of "youth festival 2018".

We have three days 26th,27th and 28th October youth festival In maharaja krushnkumarji Bhavnagar university by "Aeshvaryam yuva manthan".organized by takshila institute of science and commerce

This is task activity give by our sir this youth festival in the many event:-

Kala yatra.                            One act play.
Poetry .                                  Skit.                                    Recitation.                            Collage.
Mime.                                    Rangoli.
Mono acting.                       Cartooning.
Installation.                          Photography.
Bhajan.                                 Solo song.
Traditional group.               Orchestra.
Poster making.                   Western group song.  

Beginning youth festival related  give some image :-





See the different different image of event:- 


This painting related to the technology use west of time,effect of cage life etc...

This painting related to harmful of woman life.

This painting related to today nit use of book , letter , radio but use of pdf,sms,phone in the music and face light etc..

This painting  girl child and tree's related massage two always saveing...

This painting related to book comparison whatsapp..

Mime:- mime was difficult to present your message with body gesture and expression of face and walk with music and follow the raythm present related expression..

Mimicry:- total 13 mimicries present by different college students. How much a person wad capable of copying multiple voices with different tones ex:- voices of animal,door ,train ,cukoors ,peacock etc..

Mono acting :- doing acting all alone is very different to handle. About a lady hawker and her sufferings.

This is group song event .

This is play name of "sikka ni triji baju". This story in the play very real life situation. This play in the situation in third gender in society.hiw society not accept and look different . society not beloved equality and this play see the feministperspective it reflects the woman sufferings lot of a society because the woman has given birth to third gender child. And his family members not accepts so left his house with his child and only single handed grown up the his child.

This rangoli in themes is nature and technology both are equally use both are very important..

All rangoli are different themes and very beautiful drawing..

This is related to religions,festival,nature, cleanness etc...

This is related money..

This is a clay modeling :-see the nature related some made human related made car...

I try to give some information about youth festival i thing helpful my blog to understand many event.....

Thank you for watching or reading...

Monday, October 1, 2018

Kenneth Branagh's 'hamlet' based on 'hamlet' by William Shakespeare.


Hello reader,

here my blog part of activity. Given by my Sir, This blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

1. How faithful is the movie to the original play?   

                book : -

              Movies : -

# The Movie faithful is. In movie to The original play because in the move many scene better understanding comparison the play.

2. After watching the movie, have your perception about play, characters or situations changed?

# In movie and novel also Ophelia Doubts for hamlet and her doubt is mainly not her but her father poisons her our about hamlet and because of this reason she doubts for hamlet so ; this is the situation I want to change.

3. Do you feel 'aesthetic delight ' while watching the movie?


# yes, I feel 'aesthetic delight ' while watching the movies in  hemlet madness scene.

4.  Do you feel 'catharsis' while or after watching movie?

# yes, I feel ' catharsis ' while many killing in last scene and ophelia madness and death

5. Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play?

# yes, movie help for in better understand of the play because two-three scene not clearly understand in only play read but see the movies better understand


1. poison in sword .
2. How playing drama in stage.
3. Poison in 👂 (ear).

Not understand in read play but see the movie better understand .

                        👂 poison in ear

                       Poison in sword


                       Poison in drink

 6. Was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish life time?

Yes in one scene in graveyard talk in general knowledge questions moment in the movie I will cherish life time.

I am director I change would I like to make in the remaking of movie on Shakespeare's Hamlet in not kill many enoson people but kill only criminal...

In the beginning of the movie , camera rolls over the status of king hamlet out side the Elsinore castle, the movie ends with the similar sequence where in the statue of the king hamlet is hammered down to the dust. Sort of symbolism was welt is till the end of life; but after death we can't thus Welty meets dust.

Thank you for watching or reading...

Mass media

Hello,  Reader. Topic :- Mass Media   Paper:- Mass Communication and Media Studies.              PG.REG.NO:- 2069108420190040.   ...