Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Sense of an Ending:-

Hello reader,

her my blog part of activity. Given by my sir, This blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

Julian Barnes:-

  • Julian Patrick Barnes is an English writer. Barnes won the man Booker Prize for his books The Sense of an Ending, and three of his earlier books had been shortlisted for Booker Prize: Flaubert's Parrot, England, England and Arthur & George. He has also written crime fiction under the pseudonym Dan Kavanagh.

1. How do you understand memory and history with reference to your reading of this novel.

  • The main theme of the novel is history and memory. History is call macro narratives while memory is called micro narratives means it a personal one.
  • Memory 1st part of novel is a memory of Tony Webster. Tony remember all the event which happened in his past but not in particular order. He remember all his school days, college days, girlfriend and visit of her home etc. Here memory is Tony's personal history. It is same constructed as history constructed. So the construction of memory in Tony's life became construction of history. Here he lies with himself for some event.
  • Tony's memory is reserved here as 'I' he narrate all the event with 'I' but he tries to prove himself as honest one, which he is really not. The philosophical thriller of memory is mind of Tony. If we erase our memory than we can not identify ourselves also.
  • Tony have memory of past in his mind but about it he have some uncertainty. But this uncertainty is reality or actually he does not want to reveal something to us as a reader. So uncertainty is deformed by memory of Tony.
  • 'History is that certainly produced at the point where point where the imperfection of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation'.
  • In this definition, certainly and documentation is positive term mean if you preserve the history of person with certainty , it will be documentation. Imperfections and inadequacies are negative term. It will not be helpful with imperfections.
  • 'History is memory of the survivors who are neither victorious no defeated.'

2. How do you understand the concept of suicide with reference to your reading of literature ranging from Renaissance play Hamlet, 20th century Existential Philosophy and this 21st century novel The Sense of Ending?

  • The Theme of suicide is common from very ancient time in Literature. But the thought behind suicide is different from time to time . Like in the play Hamlet, suicide is a sin, and those who committed suicide should not be buried with Christian traditional rule, Ophelia committed suicide by drowning herself into River.
  • In the grave digger scene there was dialogue between the two grave diggers about the suicide of Ophelia. "First Clown: Is she to be buried in Christian burial, when she will fully seeks her own salvation?
  • Second Clown: I tell thee she is. Therefore make her grave straight. The crowner hath sat on her and finds it Christian burial...
  • Second Clown: will you ha'th truth on't? If this shad not been gentlewoman, she should have been buried out of Christian burial".
  • But with the Renaissance period, there is great enlightenment and change in the mind of people. Now suicide is not taken in narrow boundaries of religious. Now it is right of people to commit suicide. If the life is a gift by God, then we have right to return this gift. In this novel also Adrian happily ended his life and gives philosophical meaning to his suicide.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Web Tools:-

Hello reader,

her my blog part of activity. Given by my sir, This blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.


Blogger is a blog publishing service that allows muti-user blogs with time stamped entries. It was developed by pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2993. The blogs are hosted by Google and generally accessed from a subdomaian of


Blogger improve writing habit. See in this  image improve Reading or writing both.

Blogger improve Reading habit.

Blogger improve speaking habit. See in this image improve Sepaking or Listening both skills.

Blogger improve Listening habit.

How use or work:-

Blogger makesot extremely easy for would be web writers to publish their thoughts on the internet. Blogger is a free blogging platform that's designed for ease. Because it's owned by Google, users can link it to various other Google products, like photos , gif, video, sheet ect share in blogger.


Blogger is benefit because in blogger see viwes or comments so we can improve by comments. Or blogger also benefit is our own experience share or many think write or share or Knowledge know or Knowledge by blogger apps so I like Blooger.

Blogger is world wide tool.

Other tools :- 


In improve four skills. Reading , writing, speaking, listening.


In Facebook improve four skills. Reading, writing, speaking, listening.


In YouTube also improve Listening, Speaking, writing.


Gmail also improve Reading, writing skills.

And other Soo many tools like Flipped , Kahoot, word, also use to improve many skills

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Sunday, February 9, 2020

Ghashiram Kotwal

Hello, readers here my blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.



The playwaright Tendulkar is aware of present political scenario. He intends to expose the evils of politics. This is a field where power, sex, and religion are deeply concerned. All three combined together makes the situation, people horrible. Directly or indirectly all people are influence. Ghashiram Kotwal  is also a play dominated by these issues.

Ghashiram on Deputation:-

Ghashiram come to poona for his livelihood. He is a Brahmin from kanauj. He begins to work with Gulabi a prostitute. Nana visits her once. Nana's ankle is Hart. It is seen by Ghashiram. He supports Nana's foot. He leads his back for the support. For this small action Nana is pleased very much. He is able to catch the attention of a great leader like him.

Later on he deputes position. Power and position both come to him. But Nana is very clever to do so he has his purpose.

1. Nana does not trust his own Brahmin people as many of them are against him.

2. Ghashiram would be a safe weapon against then as he is outsider.

3. Being outsider people will not trust Ghashiram.

So in this case he is safe from both sides.

In any case either he could blame Ghashiram or people. This Nana is a master mind. He is selfish.

Ghashiram's use of politics:-

He has found out that Nana is a lusty man. His visit to Gulabi is an example of thus more over he comes to a religious tale. There are women All of them know that's why they begin to pull their sarees to properly cover. Nana eyes catcher out a young girl. A chance takes place. He is ready to attack upon her but she escapes .

Nana couldn't bear, Ghashiram comes on the scene. Nana ask him to catch her. Ghashiram's assures him to bring her.his passions are so much arounsed that he ask him to do anything for her. Ghashiram's takes benefit of the situation.

He demands power from him in return to her. He knows that the woman is not anybody but his own daughter Gauri. He brings her to him when the order is signed. Thus Ghashiram gets power at the cost of his daughter.

Evils of politics:-

Ghashiram's soon realises evils of politics. Nana demands Gauri one more time Ghashiram's realises the situation. He has aquired the position on the basis of sex. Now the evil looks large upon him. He repents forit but it's late now. He becomes restless.

He begins to be heavy on the other side Nana too takes more and more benefit. His visits to prostitutes are regular. Dance with Gulabi in presence of his citizens tells everything. Gauri becomes motive of his life and Ghashi becomes terror to the city.

Use of power and position:-

Ghashi becomes the Terror to the people. He begins to use of his power and position. There is revenge in the backdrop of morality. He had been insulted and humiliated. Now he has got opportunity to settle down the issue. He orders for permits. Nothing is allowed without permit.

In the name of it he crushes the people. There's no limit of harrasment. Innocent or bad all are equally treated. There is so much force that good turns bad and bad into worse and it into worst. There are false cases. They are trapped, jailed and beaten.

There's no place in the jail. The prisioners suffocate and die. For a small reason punishment is hard. No doubt people stop many bad things. At night the streets are deserted. The lane of prostitutes is lonely. Brahmins have stopped cheating. They have been straightened. But it is like spring. Only force has worked. Out of poona everything is same many have started going to Bavannakhani. It is a prostitute district. What e it may be, but Ghashi's shadow envelopes all of them.

Politics and Religion:-

Religion is a wine that rigid people drink it. The Ignorant join with them. Result is very horrible. The politicians know this and they use this wine for their purpose. They misuse the boly institution. The play has religious elements. There are songs and dances in the accompaniment of music.

There is katha, prayer and holy processions but politicians like don't have respect to such things. Holy songs turns into lavani, dance turns erotic. Religious meetings became haunting places. Women are found out from there. Gauri or Gulabi are such cases. Gauri is a find of such a meeting.

When the people revolted Nana brings religion. He wants to save himself. He tells his soldiers do religions things which the Brahmins want. He knows it would satisfy them. Nana uses religion his own way. He gives his meaning. Gauri indicates Ganesha's idol. But he says he won't mind. He also two wives, one on each side. 

Ghashi also uses religion. For him it is in following morality. He asks for religious thread to any Brahmin. Married women have sacred bracelet on their neck. For marriage it is proof but hedenies and asks other things. Visiting prostitutes, telling lies are sins and Ghashi orders to have strict vigilance over such things. Thus religion is a mask to Nana and Ghashi.

Dealing and Misdealings in politics:-

The politicians use people and often people use politicians. Sometimes there's narrow line in their dealing to each other Hunter is hunted down. He is trapped. Nana is a very cunning politician. He was considered the chanakya of the Maratha. For his libudo and defence he makes a deal with Ghashi. 

No doubt it is fatal to both. Nana looses his hold over people and Ghashi his daughter. In this dealing Gauri is the scapegoat. Ghashi gets power and position using his daughter. We think that Nana loses his hold. But view is quite elear. He tells Ghashi that he would kill his daughter with a bullet. With the other bullet poona will dance. His design of making him a counter check is revealed. He knows the Maratha Brahmins will not trust him. 

He says "we made you kotwal". Further he says " we just raised a dog at our door to the position of the Kotwali."

His shnewdness is seen when Gauri is killed and in writing the order for Ghashiram's death. In the first case be uses religion. He gives a long, philosophic advice to him and follow the duty. He forces him to obey his command. In the other case he uses people to kill Ghashi. Thus he removes both the thorns.

Though the play indicates past political system, no one would be against that it is almost contemporary political picture. Things are same only people and time have changed. Politics is meant to help people but in ninety percent it does and brings evil.

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Friday, February 7, 2020


Hello, readers here my blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.


  • Having been born of educated middle class Bengali parents in London and grown up in Rhodes Island, Lahiri authentically and beautifully represent her diasporic experience in novel : The Namesake.

  • In this novel Lahiri's experiences of growing up as a child of  immigrants resemble through the protagonist, Gogol Ganguly.

  • " Lahiri belongs to the second generation of Indian diaspora whose ongoing quest for identity never seems to end. They feel sandwiched between the country of their parents and the country of their birth".

  • Lahiri finds herself quite a stranger to both of the countries in India she is an America and in America she is an India.

1. Gogol's identity crisis:-

  • Through Gogal, Lahiri presents identity crisis which she herself has faced. She contradicts the idiom "when in a name?" Rather she is obessed with " it's everything that matters in a name. Namesake signifies the first identity.

  • Jumpa Lahiri was born as Nilansana sudeshna, but he one pet name , jumpha which was easy to pronounce by her teacher and she become jumba Lahiri. She felt embarrassed whenever she was called  as she struggled a lot to make herself feel an American but she found just a half way feeling. The same feeling she put into gogol who never likes to be called by this name.

"The agony felt by Gogal is the agony of Jhumpa Lahiri".

  • Gogal's name is one of the chief causes which make him feel alienated. His loneliness starts from the moment he enters the world. After the birth of Gogal, selecting a name becomes a problem for his parents. The difference between the naming process in India and American cultures pushes him into a chaos. Ashima wants her grandmother to suggest a name but the name is not received.

  • The hospital authorities do not allow them to leave the hospital without naming the new born baby. Ashok names him Gogol after the name of his beloved Russian author, Nikolai Gogol, thinking of it as a pet name only. The book of this author help's him save his life. So Ashok has great reverence for this author and his name. For him Gogol signifies a beginning and a survival.

  • The name fills him with joy and indicates a new life. But this name creates problem of identity crisis. When his parents take him to school to start his schooling , they have a new name 'Nikhil' for him. But this time it was Gogal himself which does not respond to Nikhil it was his first attempted rejecta dual identity.

  • This rejection left him alone his old name Gogol, Gogol does not understand the emotional significance of the name. He does not like to be known by a name which is neither Indian, nor American nor even first name.

2. Effort at Blending in Leading now here.

  • Gogol desires to blend in the American society. He was to live unnoticed. But he is not viewed as an American by of Americans, even though he is a native born bitizen . He tries to put a wall between his past and present but it is not easy. He adopt the name Nikhil but the ghost of Gogol cling on his mind. He tries to become an entirely different person from what really he is .

  • 'Gogal struggles to carry the burden of two nmaes. Nikhil resembles American names, yet 'Goga' and his past follow him everywhere. He experience a feeling of being in between. He is considered an 'ABCD' Americaborn confused Desi but he considers himself an American. American society. Says, "But you're Indian".

3. living in between condition:-

  • This living'in between condition is very painful and marginalizing for the diasporas. There is yearning for "home" , to go back to "the lostorigin" and 'imaginary homelonds' created from the fragmentary and partial memories of the homelands .

4. A Chronicler of Diaspora / Jhuma Lahir's style of writing:-

  • Among others Jhumpa Lahiri isfamous as the acclaimed chronider of the Bengali immigrant experience. The majority of her stories are aboutexile, about people living far from home and moving to New world. Both 'Interpreare of maladies'and'the name explore the ideas of isolation and identity , not only person but also cultural.

5. Frustration of being Different from other:-

  • Thought Gogol and his sister Sonia are born and raised in the U.S. they feel the frustration of being Different from most of the kids they know. Some moels their names and find them full when his high school class reads 'The overcoat' , a short story written by the Russian writer Nikolai Gogol, Gogal is extremely ashamed of his name.

6. Gogal5 affairs:-

  • Gogal's second affair is with Maxine, an Anglo-Saxon American, member of a liberal and very wealthy family He starts to live with her family and gets closer to her family and moves away from his own. Although they love each other they breav up. After his break up with makine Ashima  talks to Gogol on starting a relationship with moushomi particularly due to their shared cultural background. They get marry. How when moushumi starts having a sexual affair with her old love Dimitri.

To sum up the question, we can say that:-

  • The death of Gogal's father brings great change in him. He learns that he cannot abandon or diminish the importance of either culture but must learn to mesh the two together. He realizes that his identity is embellished by both cultures and comes to know.

"Identity as a production ; which is never complete, always in process and always constituted within, not outside representation."

  • As locations change ideantity can also change one must not be excessively obsessed with one's cultural lagacy, because it is not some meaningless, it is deep rooted one's collective psyche.

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Mass media

Hello,  Reader. Topic :- Mass Media   Paper:- Mass Communication and Media Studies.              PG.REG.NO:- 2069108420190040.   ...