Saturday, April 6, 2019

Cultural study :-Theories

Name:- Rayjada Mitalba J.                      Paper:- Culture Studies
Enrollment No:-2069108420190040.    Roll No:- 20
Submitted to:-  S.B.Gardi Department of English, Maharaja krushnkumarsinhji University, Bhavnagar.



 In his a course in General Linguistics Ferdinand de Saussure outlined three

fundamental assumption:-

1. Arbitrariness:- 

The meanings we attribute to words are entirely arbitrary, and prescribed through usage and convention only. There is no inherent or 'Natural' connection between the word and the meaning.

2. Relational:- 

Every word makes sense because it is different from other words in the organizational chain.Thus cat means cat only because of its difference from 'cap' or 'hat'.

3. Systematic:- 

Language constitutes our world, and our very existence. We need to analyse how meaning is produced through the acts of language.

Structuralism seeks the process of meaning bproduction that is how the text constructs meaning. Anything that generates meaning through certain forms of representation is a 'text'.

Poststructuralism and Deconstruction:-

Associated Mainly with the work of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, deconstruction and poststructuralism provided a radically new approach to language, narrative, and interpretation.

Derrida and differance:-

For poststructuralism language is never stable. Meaning is the result of difference, and this precess of differentiation is endless. Meaning is never present in the sign, simply because the sign refers to another song which is not here.

A sign may be reproduced any time any place.Thus it can be made to mean differently each time it repeats in a different context. Hence meaning is available only through difference and deference. To suggest the togetherness of these two features of the sign and meaning Derrida coins the term differance.

For Derrida the entire field of signs is 'writing' or ecriture. Here writing is not restricted to the graphic sense of the word, but refers to the figural sense.The study of such writing, Derrida terms 'grammatology', the very science of 'difference'.


Marxist cultural theory originates in the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the nineteenth century. The Marx-Engels analysis of society and the conditions of production spilled over;into an analysis culture.

1.The capitalist mode of production justified and naturalized itself through certain patterns of thought. 2.Classes are the basic units in social conflicts. 3.The oppressed classes, however, believe this inequality as natural or preordained and do not recognize that they are oppressed.4 Ideology is sustained and reproduced through culture forms such as art.5. The capitalist economy created illusion about itself.


Postmodernism, cspecially in terms of its use for cultural studies, rejects the opposition between 'hign' or elite culture and 'low' or mass culture.It questions the criteria by which certain forms, texts, assumption are projected as 'goid taste' 'claaics'.permenent and universal. Postmodernism is closely aligned with cultural studies in its rejection of the high,low distinction between culture.
It focus the modes by which certain cultural artefacts come to occupy higher status. postmodernism suggests that power relations structure all social truths. Approach and even conceptions of reality.

Queer Theory:-

Queer studies is an attempt to redefine sexual identities. It seeks a culture/political space where the homosexual is no more the perverted, sick, other of heterosexuality. Queer Theory is a significant contributor to cultural studies and is closely aligned with political and social movements band activism.

1.Gay and Lesbian theory assumes that sexuality and sexual preferences/orientations play a prominent role in the construction of social identity. 2. Queer theory argues, following Michel Foucault, that the homosexual as a social category emerges essentially in post Renaissance period.

Queer theory in cultural studies looks at various cultural construction vof the gay/lesbin as deviant, sick or criminal,and asks us to interrogate the ways in which an entire range of sexuality has been excluded through the politic of identity.

Cultural study :-Theories


Name:- Rayjada Mitalba J.                      Paper:- Culture Studies
Enrollment No:-2069108420190040.    Roll No:- 20
Submitted to:-  S.B.Gardi Department of English, Maharaja krushnkumarsinhji University, Bhavnagar.



 In his a course in General Linguistics Ferdinand de Saussure outlined three fundamental assumption:-

1. Arbitrariness:- 

The meanings we attribute to words are entirely arbitrary, and prescribed through usage and convention only. There is no inherent or 'Natural' connection between the word and the meaning.

2. Relational:-

 Every word makes sense because it is different from other words in the organizational chain.Thus cat means cat only because of its difference from 'cap' or 'hat'.

3. Systematic:-

 Language constitutes our world, and our very existence. We need to analyse how meaning is produced through the acts of language.

Structuralism seeks the process of meaning bproduction that is how the text constructs meaning. Anything that generates meaning through certain forms of representation is a 'text'.

Poststructuralism and Deconstruction:-

Associated Mainly with the work of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, deconstruction and poststructuralism provided a radically new approach to language, narrative, and interpretation.

Derrida and differance:-

For poststructuralism language is never stable. Meaning is the result of difference, and this precess of differentiation is endless. Meaning is never present in the sign, simply because the sign refers to another song which is not here.
A sign may be reproduced any time any place.Thus it can be made to mean differently each time it repeats in a different context. Hence meaning is available only through difference and deference. To suggest the togetherness of these two features of the sign and meaning Derrida coins the term differance.
For Derrida the entire field of signs is 'writing' or ecriture. Here writing is not restricted to the graphic sense of the word, but refers to the figural sense.The study of such writing, Derrida terms 'grammatology', the very science of 'difference'.


Marxist cultural theory originates in the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the nineteenth century. The Marx-Engels analysis of society and the conditions of production spilled over;into an analysis culture.

1.The capitalist mode of production justified and naturalized itself through certain patterns of thought. 2.Classes are the basic units in social conflicts. 3.The oppressed classes, however, believe this inequality as natural or preordained and do not recognize that they are oppressed.4 Ideology is sustained and reproduced through culture forms such as art.5. The capitalist economy created illusion about itself.


Postmodernism, cspecially in terms of its use for cultural studies, rejects the opposition between 'hign' or elite culture and 'low' or mass culture.It questions the criteria by which certain forms, texts, assumption are projected as 'goid taste' 'claaics'.permenent and universal. Postmodernism is closely aligned with cultural studies in its rejection of the high,low distinction between culture.
It focus the modes by which certain cultural artefacts come to occupy higher status. postmodernism suggests that power relations structure all social truths. Approach and even conceptions of reality.

Queer Theory:-

Queer studies is an attempt to redefine sexual identities. It seeks a culture/political space where the homosexual is no more the perverted, sick, other of heterosexuality. Queer Theory is a significant contributor to cultural studies and is closely aligned with political and social movements band activism.

1.Gay and Lesbian theory assumes that sexuality and sexual preferences/orientations play a prominent role in the construction of social identity.

2. Queer theory argues, following Michel Foucault, that the homosexual as a social category emerges essentially in post Renaissance period.

Queer theory in cultural studies looks at various cultural construction vof the gay/lesbin as deviant, sick or criminal,and asks us to interrogate the ways in which an entire range of sexuality has been excluded through the politic of identity.

Thank you for watching or reading..

Northrop Frye:- Archetypal criticiam

Name:- Rayjada Mitalba J.                      Paper:- Literary Criticism
Enrollment No:-2069108420190040.    Roll No:- 20
Submitted to:-  S.B.Gardi Department of English, Maharaja krushnkumarsinhji University, Bhavnagar.

    Northrop frye: -ArchetypeCriticism

What is Archetypal? :-

"Arche" means 'old' or original and "type" means "frorm" together it means "original form".
Archetypal criticism :-
Refers to the universal symbols, theme, character and images we find repeated in literature.
According to Watson and dacherme:-
'Archetypal criticism is a recurrent, universal pattern or motif holding the same or similar meaning and significance for all individuals in every age and in every part of the world.'
Archetypes:- where does this idea come from Archetypes were first suggested by Carl Jung, pronounced "Yong".
Thus archetypal criticism increases both the satisfaction in reading the work of art and the knowledge of a literary piece. We are able to see that an idea image, character, setting or theme in a film or literature. And it is also seen in past and present culture. Archetypal criticism looks for a kind of pattern into terts and traces. Them through works of classical literature into rodern texts. This way they interprets those repetitions as symbol's or manifestations of universal human conflicts.
Carl Jung:- suggested "Archetypes" for the first time in criticism he was psychologist who applied the term archetype to the "premordial Images" that spring from our common human experience. He suggested that we all share a "collective consciousness" in which all of the history of human experience is contained and to which we all have access through our subconscious minds.
Archetypes can be categorised as:-
Conflicts, Characters, Situations, Themes, Myths, Symbols.
Conflicts:- Young v/s Old.                   Rich v/s poor.
                   Strong v/s Weak.               Dreams v/s Reality.
Character:- Innocent Youth, Bully, Hero, Every man, Devil, Dreamer, Scapegoat, out Cast, Magician Shrew, Warrior, Dragon Slayer, Out Sider.
Situation:- Coming of Age, Dying, Being Reborn, Being Tempted, Quest, Falling From a high  position, Making a sacrifice.
Myths :- Adam and Eve, Faust and Mephistopheles, Sampson and Delilan.
Symbol's:- Water, Sea, Garden, Sun, Colours, Flowers, Rain, Fire, Flooding, Animals.
Northrop Frye:-
Northrop Frye was also an outstanding archetype, critic. He suggested that literary archetypes can be classified by genrese seem to correspond to the seasons of the year and the life cycle of human being.
According to Northrop Frye all narrative fall into one of four Mythos each myth has six phases, sharing three with the preceding myths and three with the succeeding Myths. Thus, comedy is compared to spring , Romance with Summer, Thegedy with Autum and Satire with Winter.
The context of genre determines how a symbol or Image is to be interested human, animal, vegetation, mineral and water.
Human:- The human world of comedy is representative of wish - fulfilment and being community centred. Where as tragic human world is of isolation, tyranny and the falling of hero.
Animals:-  In the comic genres are docile and pastoral example:- sheep . Were as animals in tragic genre are predatory and hunters example wolves.
Vegetation:- In comedy, vegetation is represented as gardens, flowers, fruits etc. And in tragedy vegetation is represented as wild forest or as barren.
Mineral:- In comedy , mineral is represented as cities, temples, or stones and in tragedy mineral is represented as deser, ruins etc.
Water:- In comedy water is represented as rivers where as in tragedy water is represented as floods, sea etc.
The hero: - The courageous figure, the one who's always running in and saving the day. Example: Dartagnon from Alexandre Dumas's "The Three Musketeers". (Hamlet, Macbeth, Tom Jones)

Oilver Twist

Name:- Rayjada Mitalba J.                      Paper:- Victorian  Literature
Enrollment No:-2069108420190040.    Roll No:- 20
Submitted to:-  S.B.Gardi Department of English, Maharaja krushnkumarsinhji University, Bhavnagar.

                                    Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens:-

Charles John Huffam Dickens born 7 February 1812  death 9 June 1870. He  was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His works enjoyed  unprecedented popularity during his lifetime, and by the 20th century critics and scholars had recognised him as a literary genius. His novels and short stories are still widely read today.Born in Portsmouth, Dickens left school to work in a factory when his father was incarcerated in a debtors' prison. Despite his lack of formal education, he edited a weekly journal for 20 years, wrote 15 novels, five novellas, hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles, lectured and performed readings extensively, was an indefatigable letter writer, and campaigned vigorously for children's rights, education, and other social reforms.

Oliver Twist characters:-

Oliver Twist -  The novel’s protagonist. Oliver is an orphan born in a workhouse.               
Brownlow -  A well-off, erudite gentleman who serves as Oliver’s first benefactor.

Monks - Oliver hif brother A sickly, vicious young man, prone to violent fits and teeming with inexplicable hatred.

Mr. Bumble  - The pompous, self-important beadle—a minor church official—for the workhouse where Oliver is born.

Fagin - A conniving career criminal. Fagin takes in homeless children and trains them to pick pockets for him.

Nancy -A young prostitute and one of Fagin’s former child pickpockets. Nancy is also Bill Sikes’s lover.

Bill Sikes - A brutal professional burglar brought up in Fagin’s gang.

 Noah Claypole -  A charity boy and Mr. Sowerberry’s apprentice.

Mr. Sowerberry  - The undertaker to whom Oliver is apprenticed.

Mrs. Sowerberry -  Sowerberry’s wife. Sally -  elderly pauper who serves as the nurse at Oliver’s birth.

Agnes Fleming -  Oliver’s mother.  Rose Maylie - Agnes Fleming’s sister.


Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse in 1830s England. His mother, whose name no one knows, is found on the street and dies just after Oliver’s birth. Oliver spends the first nine years of his life in a badly run home for young orphans and then is transferred to a workhouse for adults Oliver, who toils with very little food, remains in the workhouse for six months. One day, the desperately hungry boys decide to draw lots Mr. Bumble for gruel with his famous request: "Please, sir, I want some more".Mr. Bumble, the parish beadle, offers five pounds to anyone who will take the boy away from the workhouse. Oliver narrowly escapes being apprenticed to a brutish chimney sweep and is eventually apprenticed to a local undertaker, Mr. Sowerberry.

 takes Oliver into his service.
Mr. Sowerberry is in an unhappy marriage, and his wife looks down on Oliver and loses few opportunities to underfeed and mistreat him. He also suffers torment at the hands of Noah Claypole, an oafish and bullying fellow apprentice and "charity boy" who is jealous of Oliver's promotion.

Wanting to bait Oliver, Noah insults the memory of Oliver's biological mother, calling her "a regular right-down bad 'un". Oliver attacks him and incurs the Sowerberrys’ wrath. Desperate, Oliver runs away at dawn and travels toward London.
Outside London, Oliver, starved and exhausted, meets Jack Dawkins, a boy his own age. Jack offers him shelter in the London house of his benefactor, Fagin. It turns out that Fagin is a career criminal who trains orphan boys to pick pockets for him. After a few days of training, Oliver is sent on a pickpocketing mission with two other boys. When he sees them swipe a handkerchief from an elderly gentlemanMr Brownlow and promptly flee.

When he finds his handkerchief missing, Mr Brownlow turns round, sees Oliver running away in fright, and pursues him, thinking he was the thief. Others join the chase, capture Oliver, and bring him before the magistrate. Curiously, Mr Brownlow has second thoughts about the boy – he seems reluctant to believe he is a pickpocket. To the judge's evident disappointment, a bookstall holder who saw the Dodger commit the crime clears Oliver, who, by now actually ill, faints in the courtroom. Mr Brownlow takes Oliver home and, along with his housekeeper Mrs Bedwin, cares for him.

Mr. Brownlow is struck by Oliver’s resemblance to a portrait of a young woman that hangs in his house. Oliver thrives in Mr. Brownlow’s home, but two young adults in Fagin’s gang, Bill Sikes and his lover Nancy, capture Oliver and return him to Fagin.Fagin sends Oliver to assist Sikes in a burglary. Oliver is shot by a servant of the house and, after Sikes escapes, is taken in by the women who live there, Mrs. Maylie and her beautiful adopted niece Rose. They grow fond of Oliver, and he spends an idyllic summer with them in the countryside. But Fagin and a mysterious man named Monks are set on recapturing Oliver.

Meanwhile, it is revealed that Oliver’s mother left behind a gold locket when she died. Monks obtains and destroys that locket. When the Maylies come to London, Nancy meets secretly with Rose and informs her of Fagin’s designs, but a member of Fagin’s gang overhears the conversation. When word of Nancy’s disclosure reaches Sikes, he brutally murders Nancy and flees London. Pursued by his guilty conscience and an angry mob, he inadvertently hangs himself while trying to escape.While Sikes is fleeing the mob, Mr Brownlow forces Monks to listen to the story connecting him, once called Edward Leeford, and Oliver as half brothers, or to face the police for his crimes.

 Their father, Edwin Leeford, was once friends with Brownlow. Edwin had fallen in love with Oliver's mother, Agnes, after Edwin and Monks' mother had separated. Edwin had to help a dying friend in Rome, and then died there himself, leaving Agnes, "his guilty love", in England. Mr Brownlow has a picture of Agnes and had begun making inquiries when he noticed a marked resemblance between her and Oliver. Monks had hunted his brother to destroy him, to gain all in their father's will.
Meeting with Monks and the Bumbles in Oliver's native town, Brownlow asks Oliver to give half his inheritance to Monks to give him a second chance; Oliver is more than happy to comply.

Monks moves to "the new world", where he squanders his money, reverts to crime, and dies in prison. Fagin is arrested, tried and condemned to the gallows. On the eve of Fagin's hanging, Oliver, accompanied by Mr Brownlow in an emotional scene, visits Fagin in Newgate Prison, in hope of retrieving papers from Monks. Fagin is lost in a world of his own fear of impending death.

Mr. Brownlow, with whom the Maylies have reunited Oliver, confronts Monks and wrings the truth about Oliver’s parentage from him. It is revealed that Monks is Oliver’s half brother. Their father, Mr. Leeford, was unhappily married to a wealthy woman and had an affair with Oliver’s mother, Agnes Fleming. Monks has been pursuing Oliver all along in the hopes of ensuring that his half-brother is deprived of his share of the family inheritance. Mr. Brownlow forces Monks to sign over Oliver’s share to Oliver. Moreover, it is discovered that Rose is Agnes’s younger sister, hence Oliver’s aunt. Fagin is hung for his crimes. Finally, Mr. Brownlow adopts Oliver, and they and the Maylies retire to a blissful existence in the countryside.


1. Purity in a Corrupt City :- 

Throughout the novel, Dickens confronts the question of whether the terrible environments he depicts have the power to “blacken [the soul] and change its hue for ever.” By examining the fates of most of the characters, we can assume that his answer is that they do not. Certainly, characters like Sikes and Fagin seem to have sustained permanent damage to their moral sensibilities. Yet even Sikes has a conscience, which manifests itself in the apparition of Nancy’s eyes that haunts him after he murders her. Charley Bates maintains enough of a sense of decency to try to capture Sikes. Of course, Oliver is above any corruption, though the novel removes him from unhealthy environments relatively early in his life. Most telling of all is Nancy, who, though she considers herself “lost almost beyond redemption,” ends up making the ultimate sacrifice for a child she hardly knows. In contrast, Monks, perhaps the novel’s most inhuman villain, was brought up amid wealth and comfort.

2.Society and Class :- 

one of the central themes of most Dickens novels. In Oliver Twist, Dickens often shows how superficial class structures really are—at the core, everyone’s really the same, regardless of the social class into which they’re born.Dickens also exposes how callous and uncaring Victorian society was—folks just ignored the plight of the less fortunate because they were so self-satisfied, and so convinced that the systems they had in place to take care of the poor were the best and most humane systems possible.

3. Poverty :-  

Workhouses, filthy quarters, despair: Dickens is very concerned with showing just how miserable the lower classes really were in 19th Century London. With Oliver Twist, he doesn’t shy away from depicting the conditions of the poor in all their misery with gritty realism..

4. Criminality :- 

 Crime was a huge problem in London in the 1830s, when Dickens was writing. Novels and plays about crime were hugely popular. Some novelists wrote about crime because they had a particular point to make about the source of criminal behavior, or possible solutions to the crime wave. Other novelists wrote about crime just because they knew it would sell.Oliver Twist was hugely popular, but Dickens definitely had a point to make: he wanted to show how criminals really lived, in order to discourage poor people from turning to crime. He also wanted to show how external influences created criminal behavior as much or more than natural criminal urges.

5. The Countryside Idealized:- 

All the injustices and privations suffered by the poor in Oliver Twist occur in cities—either the great city of London or the provincial city where Oliver is born. When the Maylies take Oliver to the countryside, he discovers a “new existence.” Dickens asserts that even people who have spent their entire lives in “close and noisy places” are likely, in the last moments of their lives, to find comfort in half--imagined memories “of sky, and hill and plain.” Moreover, country scenes have the potential to “purify our thoughts” and erase some of the vices that develop in the city. Hence, in the country, “the poor people [are] so neat and clean,” living a life that is free of the squalor that torments their urban counterparts. Oliver and his new family settle in a small village at the novel’s end, as if a happy ending would not be possible in the city.  It is precisely Dickens’s distance from the countryside that allows him to idelize it.


Name:- Rayjada Mitalba J.                      Paper:- Romantic Literature
Enrollment No:-2069108420190040.    Roll No:- 20
Submitted to:-  S.B.Gardi Department of English, Maharaja krushnkumarsinhji University, Bhavnagar.


Mary shalelley:-

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley bron 30 August 1797 she die 1 February 1851. she was an English novelist, short story writer, dramatist, essayist, biographer, and travel writer, best known for her Gothic novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus She also edited and promoted the works of her husband, the Romantic poet and philosopher Percy Bysshe Shelley. Her father was the political philosopher William Godwin, and her mother was the philosopher and feminist Mary Wollstonecraft.

Frankenstein Main character:-

Victor Frankenste.:- in Thedoomedprotagonist and narrator of the main portion of the story. 

The Monster: -  
The eight-foot-tall, hideously ugly creation of Victor Frankenstein.

 Robert Walton  -
The Arctic seafarer whose letters open and close Frankenstein .

Elizabeth Lavenza -  
An orphan, four to five years younger than Victor, whom the Frankensteins adopt. 

Henry Clerval -
Victor’s boyhood friend, who nurses Victor back to health in Ingolstadt. 

William Frankenstein - 
victor young brother. 

Justine Moritz -A young girl adopted into the Frankenstein household while Victor is growing up. 

Peasants- A  family of peasants, including a blind old man. 

Caroline Beaufort – Beaufort's daughter, Victor's mother. 

Ernest – Victor's brother. Seven years younger than Victor.

Frankestein Summary(key points):-

1. While searching for a passage through the Arctic, explorer Robert Walton encounters a man adrift on an ice floe, whom he invites onboard. The man reveals himself to be Victor Frankenstein, a scientist who tells the story of his search for his own terrible creation.

2. As a university student, Victor becomes obsessed with discovering the secret of life. In his experimentation, he gathers and assembles body parts in an effort to recreate human life. When he succeeds in bringing the ghastly Creature to life, Victor flees in terror.

3. The Creature roams the world, hiding from humans who reject him out of fear and disgust. By learning to read, he comes to realize the horror of his existence, of which Victor was the cause.

4. The Creature begins to hunt down and kill Victor’s loved ones, including his friend Henry and his wife, Elizabeth. The Creature pursues Victor to the Arctic, where Victor dies on Walton’s ship. The Creature wanders into the Arctic alone after Victor's death, and plans to end his life there.


1. Sublime Nature :- The sublime natural world, embraced by Romanticism  as a source of unrestrained emotional experience for the individual, initially offers characters the possibility of spiritual renewal. Mired in depression and remorse after the deaths of William and Justine, for which he feels responsible, Victor heads to the mountains to lift his spirits. Likewise, after a hellish winter of cold and abandonment, the monster feels his heart lighten as spring arrives. The influence of nature on mood is evident throughout the novel, but for Victor, the natural world’s power to console him wanes when he realizes that the monster will haunt him no matter where he goes. By the end, as Victor chases the monster obsessively, nature, in the form of the Arctic desert, functions simply as the symbolic backdrop for his primal struggle against the monster.

2. Man and God:- This subject appears frequently, and sometimes in a mythical as well as religious context. For example, the subtitle of the book is "The Modern Prometheus", alluding to Victor's power and the suffering he endures because of it. The novel must also be taken in the context of the time it was written and the memes common to the Romantic movement; science was new and exciting but dangerous and corrupting, at least according to those who saw it as a force that was diametrically opposed to spirituality. In Shelley's depiction, science "gone mad" is amoral, deluding itself to be Godlike, when in fact its creations lack the divine spark that distinguishes humanity. That is the central tragedy for Adam; he is aware of his own monstrosity and the sin that his creator has committed to create him.

3. Loneliness:-  Both Victor and Adam spend considerable amounts of time alone, for various reasons, but often to the same effect; they meditate upon their problems and come to the conclusion that few people, if anyone at all, can help them. Loneliness only serves to corrupt the mind and bring despair, and it is no surprise that the story ends in the Arctic, one of the most desolate places of all, with only Adam and Victor remaining. We might interpret that Adam's loneliness was the offspring of Victor's; but where Victor's loneliness was a choice, brought on by his antisocial tendencies, Adam's was a necessity. In fact, Victor's isolations may have cost him the social skills that would have made the hubris and error of his experiments obvious, lending more weight to the monstrous nature of Adam's existence.

4. Appearances:- Much is made of Adam's hideous appearance - not simply his ugliness but the fact that he stirs an instinctive revulsion in many people who see him (something akin to the "Uncanny Valley" effect that plagues humanoid creations in digital media and robotics). Yet, he thinks, feels emotion, and has ambitions; it is clear that he is indeed "human" in the ethical senses of the word. Yet, he concludes that humans will never be able to accept him because of his appearance; this is a strong commentary upon the value of appearances and the way that we tend to equate beauty with good, and ugliness with evil.

5. Dangerous Knowledge:- The pursuit of knowledge is at the heart of Frankenstein, as Victor attempts to surge beyond accepted human limits and access the secret of life. Likewise, Robert Walton attempts to surpass previous human explorations by endeavoring to reach the North Pole. This ruthless pursuit of knowledg.of the light, proves dangerous, as Victor’s act of creation eventually results in the destruction of everyone dear to him, and Walton finds himself perilously trapped between sheets of ice. 

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Cultural Studies and Postcolonialism

Cultural Study:-

The prime duty of any literary writer is to present the contemporary issues and picture of nation. Everyone has the right to voice and freedom of expression. So they are freedom of expression. So they are free to portrayed the condition of their country. But many follower of idealogy and political discourse try to banned this kind of harsh reality, because they do not bear the bad images of their culture and country.

Post colonialism

General belief of the people is that writerust write about the glory and positive side of their country, and we Asian believe that western people give awards on our bed images and people give awards on our bed images and they happy because western people fell happy when they see our poor condition.

But this is not right, we have many examples from the western works: Ovlivee Twist , sense and sensibility , the west land etc.

These all works portrayed the reality of the society. If we want to reform our poor condition, this kind of work is very important to open the eyes of power.

Sharmeen obaid Chinor 's Got Oscar award for her Documentary "A Girl in the River" has been much celebrated at home .

Derrida and Deconstruction

Jacques Derrida was an Algerian born French philosopher best known for development form of semiotic analysis known as deconstruction. He is one of the major figures associated with post structuralism and postmodern philosophy.

The term deconstruction has become very popular in literary criticism and theory, it's precise meaning is extremely problematic. It has had an enormous influence in psychology, literary theory, culture studies linguistics feminism, sociology and anthropology.

It has influenced a wide range of theoretical approaches to literary studies like feminism and gender studies, cultural materialism, new historicism post colonial studies,Marxism, pychologysis and so on.

It involves the close reading of text has irreconcilable contradictory meanings, rather than being a unified, logical whole. When we try to find out different between structuralism theory and Deconstruction concept.

Archetype criticism:-

Hello reader,

her my blog part of activity. Given by my sir, This blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

1)What is Archetype criticism? What does the archetypal critic do?

  • In literary criticism the term archetype denotes recurrent designs, pattern of action, character type, themes and images which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature, as well as in myths, dreams and even social rituals. The Archetypal critic tries to find this pattern, symbol and myth in present literary work.

  • We can saw in literature that mostly used archetype character by write. In English literature including Christian mythology, story of ghost, religion and ritual life. According to me that Archetype character mostly focusing on the myth and rituals. Archetype is a common means that anything create bias on similar structure to establish different way. For example, sea&river, Garden&forest.

  • We can saw this type of common structure among different waving or non waving way is called Archetype. This type similarity also we find in poem, novel and shot story.

2) what is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of' Physics to Nature and 'Criticism to Literature'?

  • Northrop Grumman gives archetypal criticism to connecting with cycle of Nature. He also season connected with mood of human being for example, 

1 Spring(comedy):-

  • Here Fry connected Spring with comedy because Spring and comedy both are symbols of something became new, birth, development, revival and resurrection and also symbolize drak to light, dry to greeness etc.

2 Summer(Romance):-

  • Here talked about season of England not Indian. So Summer season denotes romance because generally we can saw people marriage in Summer time . Another thing is that culminations to triumph both these term. All are symbolize romance through Summer season.

3 Autumn(Tragedy):-

  • Autumn season denotes tragedy and it is symbol of dying life. We can saw in autumn all leaves of tree fallen down and also tree became lifeless. Similarly hero fallen down and protagonist became tragic hero.

4 Winter(Satire & Irony):-

  •  Winter is season of darkness. We can saw in winter season is very coldest and days are also shorter and night are longer. Satire reflects the darkness of literature, it is disillusioned and mocking from of literature.

Thank you for watching or reading....


About T.S.Eliot:-

"Tradition and the individual Talent" is an essay written by poet but he performed duel role as poet and critic. He is compares with sir Philip Sidney and Samuel Coleridge.

The present essay makes Eliot's conception of the relationship between the poet and the literary tradition very influential. T.S.Eliot was a great Critic, poet ,playwright and journalist.

This Essay divided in three part:-

1.concept of Tradition.
2.Theory of Depersonalization.

This Essay was Frist publish in 'The Egoist'. The 'Egoist' was a literary Magazine, This essay was later publish in 'The sacred wood' which is Eliot's First book Critism.

1. Concept of Tradition:-

He said that poet wand uniqueness. He said that Tradition and Individuality go together, The historical sense in necessary for any poet.

The Eliot talk about Tradition and Historical sense he says that if the form of Tradition remained only in blind adherence of deal people.

Then it would be lost or such Tradition should be destroyed.

According to Eliot:- In every Tradition also there is a bit of novelty. Tradition a matter of much wider significance.

Historical sense:- The Historical sense forces a man to write not only by the own generation , but with the whole age of English literature. It harmonies Two different things timeless and temporality in poet's work.

No poet, No artist of any atr has his complete meaning alone. He write both ways past and present not only present Tradition following in hs work.

The past should be altered by the present as much as the present is directed by the past

2. The Depersonalization:-

Honest Criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry Eliot compares Criticism with science.

There are two gases needed :Oxygen and sulfur dioxide and also they must have the presence of Filament Platinum.

He compares this Platinum with poet. In whole process the Filament of Platinum plays vital role. But yet that process Platinum remains.
The poem created by the poet shows his personality.

Poet's own emotion can not be taken place in the poem.


It is very hard thing to take interest in poetry to keep a poet aside. We usually read poem with the name and fame of the poem we can not separate from each other.

A poem must know that to reach at the level of impersonality, he Frist has to sacrifices himself and has to surrender himself totally to that work.

So, Eliot criticise Wordsworth's.

Mass media

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