Saturday, April 6, 2019

Cultural study :-Theories


Name:- Rayjada Mitalba J.                      Paper:- Culture Studies
Enrollment No:-2069108420190040.    Roll No:- 20
Submitted to:-  S.B.Gardi Department of English, Maharaja krushnkumarsinhji University, Bhavnagar.



 In his a course in General Linguistics Ferdinand de Saussure outlined three fundamental assumption:-

1. Arbitrariness:- 

The meanings we attribute to words are entirely arbitrary, and prescribed through usage and convention only. There is no inherent or 'Natural' connection between the word and the meaning.

2. Relational:-

 Every word makes sense because it is different from other words in the organizational chain.Thus cat means cat only because of its difference from 'cap' or 'hat'.

3. Systematic:-

 Language constitutes our world, and our very existence. We need to analyse how meaning is produced through the acts of language.

Structuralism seeks the process of meaning bproduction that is how the text constructs meaning. Anything that generates meaning through certain forms of representation is a 'text'.

Poststructuralism and Deconstruction:-

Associated Mainly with the work of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, deconstruction and poststructuralism provided a radically new approach to language, narrative, and interpretation.

Derrida and differance:-

For poststructuralism language is never stable. Meaning is the result of difference, and this precess of differentiation is endless. Meaning is never present in the sign, simply because the sign refers to another song which is not here.
A sign may be reproduced any time any place.Thus it can be made to mean differently each time it repeats in a different context. Hence meaning is available only through difference and deference. To suggest the togetherness of these two features of the sign and meaning Derrida coins the term differance.
For Derrida the entire field of signs is 'writing' or ecriture. Here writing is not restricted to the graphic sense of the word, but refers to the figural sense.The study of such writing, Derrida terms 'grammatology', the very science of 'difference'.


Marxist cultural theory originates in the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the nineteenth century. The Marx-Engels analysis of society and the conditions of production spilled over;into an analysis culture.

1.The capitalist mode of production justified and naturalized itself through certain patterns of thought. 2.Classes are the basic units in social conflicts. 3.The oppressed classes, however, believe this inequality as natural or preordained and do not recognize that they are oppressed.4 Ideology is sustained and reproduced through culture forms such as art.5. The capitalist economy created illusion about itself.


Postmodernism, cspecially in terms of its use for cultural studies, rejects the opposition between 'hign' or elite culture and 'low' or mass culture.It questions the criteria by which certain forms, texts, assumption are projected as 'goid taste' 'claaics'.permenent and universal. Postmodernism is closely aligned with cultural studies in its rejection of the high,low distinction between culture.
It focus the modes by which certain cultural artefacts come to occupy higher status. postmodernism suggests that power relations structure all social truths. Approach and even conceptions of reality.

Queer Theory:-

Queer studies is an attempt to redefine sexual identities. It seeks a culture/political space where the homosexual is no more the perverted, sick, other of heterosexuality. Queer Theory is a significant contributor to cultural studies and is closely aligned with political and social movements band activism.

1.Gay and Lesbian theory assumes that sexuality and sexual preferences/orientations play a prominent role in the construction of social identity.

2. Queer theory argues, following Michel Foucault, that the homosexual as a social category emerges essentially in post Renaissance period.

Queer theory in cultural studies looks at various cultural construction vof the gay/lesbin as deviant, sick or criminal,and asks us to interrogate the ways in which an entire range of sexuality has been excluded through the politic of identity.

Thank you for watching or reading..

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