Friday, October 11, 2019

Teaching English as a second Language in India focus on objectives.

  •  Name:- Rayjada Mitalba Jaydipsinh.     
  •  Pap No:- 12(English language Teaching).   Roll No:- 20
  •  Topic:- Teaching English as a second   Language in India focus on objectives.       M.A.:- sem 3 
  •  Pg. Reg. No:- 2069108420190040
  •  Submitted to Smt S.B.Gardi Department   of   English, Maharaja   Krushnkumarsinhji   Bhavnagar   University.

  • Introduction:- Teaching English as a second Language in India:Focus on Objectives"has discussed objectives of language teaching as well as the aim of teaching English as second Language in India.Firalt of all he has highlighted the objectives of Language teaching and Helping children to learn a language to perform a variety of function like self expression, catharsis, cognition. The global objectives of language teaching .

  • A system network language in a multilingual setting, each language in this network has a function determined value of other languages in the system network in terms of own policy of language planning. But the society or government must realize will produce a chain reaction in the network are bound to undergo changes. The nation of link language or lingua freanca has an important significance in the multilingual setting.

  • It encourages wider mobility notional interrogation and a sense of tolerance. It enriched other languages in contact and gets multilingual is a powerful way of enriching the linguistic repertoire of individual. These resource offered by plurality of language can be used for rapid social and economic changes and modernization programmer. 

  • Learners are not just passive recipient of socially accepted language patterns. They play an active role in this teaching learning process. They actively strain filter and recognize what they are exposed to.

  • Children should how to ask question, how to use language in social network etc.  Focus on objectives of language teaching. Functionally determined sub categorization of languages.

  • First Language, Second Language, Foreign language, Classical Language.

  • First Language:- Used for performing all essential, personal functions interprsonal functions. In order to live the young human has to be progressively incorporated into social organization, and the main condition of that incorporation is sharing the local magic that is the language. L1 is an indespensable instrument of national culture. It is the primary means for the transmission of culture from one generation to another.

  • Learning through mother tongue is the most potent and comprehensive medium for the expression of the students entire personality. Education commission in 1902 recommend mother tongue as the proper medium of instruction for all classes up to the higher secondary level. 

  • Second language:- May be used as an auxiliary or associate language as a slot filler performing those functions which are not normally performed by L1. English as a second Language functions primarily as an interstate or international link language. Some of them also use it as in international language of knowledge trade and industry.

  • Foreign language:- Used by select grouo of learners in a very restricted set of situations. The main objective to learn a foreign language is to have direct access to the speaker of these languages and their cultures. It enables the learners to participate in a fore language like Russian is used in India for absorbing the cultural patterns.

  • Classical Language:- A Classical  like Sanskrit provides access to ancient culture learning and philosophy of life and is assumed to contribute to the intellectual enrichment of its learners. It's real value cannot be measured in terms of what it helps you do in everyday life but in terms of refining enriching the modern language and offering insights into a variety of linguistic problems.

  • He discusses need of English at the national level and at individual level. English is a Final language buy it is a single language but all the country speak the English Language. English is a link language or also window on the world and also library language. In this Essay three parts.     

  • Bilingualism:- Ability to communicate in two or more language.
  • Trilingualism:- Ability to communicate in three or more language.
  • Multilingualism:- Ability to communicate in many language.

  • Needs for English to be in a multilingual setting at both national and individual levels. What are the roles of language at different levels? English our "window on the world" at national level. Language of science and technology trade and commerce , political science, economic and international relations and industrial development.

  • English based Indian bilinguals constitute the third largest pool of trained and technical manpower in the world. English as an associate official language favoured by all India institution the legal and banking system trade and commerce and defense . 

  • English medium of instruction in several faculties at the college level greater proficiency. The library Language. English at individual levels the language seeking socio economic mobility language of opportunity.

  • The objective of teaching English as a'Second Language'in India:- The ability to read easily and with understanding books in English written within a prescribed range of vacabulary and sentence structure. The readiness to proceed to a more reading that of reading that of reading u simplified texts, particularly those bound up with personal studies and interest. The ability to understand a talk in English on a subject of general experience and interests.

  • In this essay four major skills:- Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening 

  • The language curriculum objective of different skills have their differences levels. To achieve the above objective there is a need to use selected reading material to supplement the texts used in class more time should be devoted to general reading. 

  • This would help the students to expand their knowledge and experience of the language by reading at their own pace. The complex grammatical structures need to be explained preferably in their actuals use in the text. 

  • Oral drills and written exercise can be use in reinforcing them. The development of oral skills should from integral part of the course both accuracy and fluency should aim at students should be function in natural situation.

  • Techning English as a'Second Language' as illustrated above can be achieved in individualized programmed instruction for those students who are unable to attend formal classes inany institution. In following individualized programmed instruction in English the main learning effort required from the students involved the use of audio visual presentation of lesson material reinforced through drills and exercises in the language laboratories.

  • So English will continue to play an important role in education in India for years to come. It is imperative to make the teaching of it as effective as possible at different levels. The language policy defining designing of syallabuses selection and gradation of instructional materials including audio visual. Listening and reading both are receptive skills. Speaking and writing both are productive skill.

  • The aims :- the ability to write comprehensibly in English and without gross errors on a familiar topic range of vacabulary sentences. The ability to carry on comprehensibly a conversation in English on a topic based on experience and command postulated bt the syllabus.

  • The level of active command:- The level of active command to be aimed should be adequate. Groups and group pattern English functions as service language promotes intellectual and cultural awareness of the contemporary world we live in provided information content necessary for modernization of our country. To achieve these objectives introduction a change in our syllabus methodology of Language, techning , materials, training programmes, attitude to learners and their language and system of evaluation.

  • Infrastructure change atmosphere functions facilities roles and responsibilities proper climate and facilities to allow individual to realize to encourage them to use these capabilities for enrichment and for personal lives for social welfare.

  • Objective:- the term aims objective are used interchangeably. However both have different meaning the main difference begging aim provide general direction to education purpose whereas objective indicate particularly achieve to be made in specific time limit. There are two types of objective 1 General objective 2 Specific objective

  • All the essay concept is a how to learn Teaching English as a'Second Language'i. Shivendra Verma said that main aim of the education system is to provide learner proper atmosphere for learning and make the realize their capabilities.

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